
   2010年アセアン5か国への社会貢献活動としてスタートしたアセアン留学生向け渡日前奨学制度(Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN International students)は、今年で8年目を迎えました。この間に東京大学での修士号取得を目的とした奨学制度を受け、進学・帰国・就職された奨学会OB・OGは26名。夫々の道を歩んでいます。まだ社会に貢献出来るポジションについている人は少ないでしょうが、日本での3年間を忘れずに頑張ってください。以下は、事務局の呼びかけに答えてくれたOG・OBの寄稿です。


 This year marks the eighth year of the Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN International Students, which was launched in 2010 as ASF’s social contribution initiative for five ASEAN countries. Over these years, 26 students received scholarships from this program with the aim of obtaining a master’s degree at the University of Tokyo. The former scholarship recipients have pursued different paths: some advanced to higher education, some returned to their home countries and others found employment. Although many of them may not yet be in a position to make a major contribution to society, we hope they continue to strive, remembering their respective three years in Japan. The following are essays contributed by the former scholarship recipients who responded to the call by the Secretariat.



Kannika Leetawesupさん (Thailand)




   私は現在、東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻でプロジェクト研究者としてスーパーバイザーと共に働いています。学生時代とは違い仕事は大変なこともありますが、仕事を通じていろいろなことを学びながら新しい生活を満喫しています。


    First of all, I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of the Ajinomoto ASEAN Scholarship 2014. Thank you for your generosity, which has allowed me to study in Master Degree at The University of Tokyo, Japan. I started my student life at Kashiwa campus, Chiba prefecture. My research topic is "Effect of slow-resistance exercise training combined with protein supplementation on muscle and muscular function in elderly".

    Base on my research topic I have not only learned a lot about sport science, but also experienced how to communicate with elderly Japanese. While I correcting experiment data from participants, I also improved my Japanese skill at the same time.

    Looking back to my case, this is a good opportunity to open my eyes widely through my study life in Japan. I have realized that the important thing is not only to concentrate to study but also to learn and adjust myself how to live abroad. After hard work, I feel it effective to make myself relaxed by my hobby and by enjoying nature beauty every season. I do hope my "kohai" (new comer student) will also make themselves developed and grown up through this precious opportunity under the assistance of the scholarship.

    Now I am working with my supervisor as Project researcher at Graduate school of Frontier Sciences, Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies. Although I feel some difficulty on my work different from my student days, I can learn a lot of things through my work and enjoy my new life.

    Finally, thank you so much for all staffs, Ajinomoto scholarship foundation and Ajinomoto Company Thailand and Japan for your continuous support.


Rogie Royce Carandangさん (Philippines)







    "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump

     This quote reminds me of how my life went in Japan for the past three years. Living in Japan is a fulfillment of my dream. This was made possible through the Ajinomoto scholarship. My life has been a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns. This may sound negative but this actually made my life more fun, colorful, and engaging.

    My previous laboratory which focuses on drug discovery taught me three things. First is “resilience." Despite all the negative results, wasted time and effort in my experiments, I still continued to persevere and never lose hope. Finding a novel drug for cancer is like finding a needle in a haystack. It was real tough. I have to work until past midnight just to finish running all my samples. It was challenging but full of learning experiences for self-discovery. I discovered who I really am. I was able to identify my weaknesses and turned them into strengths. In the end, I became the person who I always wanted to be.

    The second thing is “cultural sensitivity." Respect to one’s culture and identity is undeniably important. I learned how to adapt to the culture in the lab. I was able to establish a good working relationship with my professors and fellow lab mates. Being a foreigner in a typical Japanese lab was not easy. Language barrier exists. You can feel the invisible wall between you and the Japanese. But you should at least try to reach out and make that wall transparent so they could also appreciate your presence. A simple greeting and a big smile on your face can somehow break that wall.

    Last but not the least, I was able to establish a strong “faith with God." I was not sure whether or not I could still continue to PhD. I switched my department and transferred to the Graduate School of Medicine. At that time, I still did not have any scholarship. So, I’m not certain where I can get the money to finance my studies. But God is a listening God. He provided me a scholarship and got accepted in two programs for my PhD. I will be forever grateful to the Almighty for letting me continue my journey and making PhD life smooth sailing.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. You’ll never know what lies ahead. If life gave us lemons, then we should make lemonade. We should treat every day of our stay in Japan as a gift from God. Our journey here is just the beginning of the endless opportunities awaiting us. We should carry with us the precious things we learned. We should treasure all the memories, whether good or bad, because they made us a better version of ourselves. We must continue to dream and make this dream happen by working hard and not wasting time. Ajinomoto Scholarship Foundation made my dream into a reality. More power and God bless to all your future endeavors. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.


Le Vu Lan Phuongさん (Vietnam)

   私は味の素スカラシップASEAN留学奨学生の第一期生5名の一人、Le Vu Lan です。日本で6年間学んだあと、大学講師としてのキャリアを始めるために故郷のベトナムに戻りました。日本で過ごした日々は、大学の勉強だけでなく自分自身や人生について多くのことを学ぶ機会を与えてくれました。その時の経験をお話しすることで、より多くの若者が日本への留学を考えるようになってもらえればと思います。6年前、私が学士課程を卒業したばかりの時に、味の素スカラシップASEAN留学奨学金制度が初めて導入されました。私はそれまで日本語を勉強したことが無かったので応募しようかどうか迷いました。しかし学部の教授達からも「日本への留学は君にとって素晴らしい機会になる」と言われ、チャンスにかける気持ちで応募しました。あの時決断してよかったと思います。





    My name is Le Vu Lan Phuong, one of the first five students of Ajinomoto ASEAN scholarship. I studied in Japan for six years and now I have returned to my country to start a career as a lecturer in a university. The time I spent in Japan allowed me not only to study my courses but also to learn many a thing about myself and about life. I would like to share some of the things I experienced during this time, hopefully to encourage more young people to consider studying in Japan. Six years ago, when I only just graduated bachelor course, Ajinomoto ASEAN scholarship was first introduced. I hesitated whether I should apply for it, since I had never learned Japanese before. Many professors in the department I graduated from, however, assured me that studying in Japan would be a great opportunity for me. I took the chance and applied for it. I am glad that I made that decision.

    Given it was the first time I had ever been abroad, there were, of course many difficulties. My first days in Japan were especially hard, since I could not speak Japanese at the time and I missed my family a lot. Luckily for me, there were two other Vietnamese students in that dormitory who helped me settle and get accustomed living there.

    I was so much relieved when I came to my lab for the first time and discovered that my supervisor was very kind and that he was very fluent in English. Also, everyone in the lab was very kind and friendly. Then
I took an intensive Japanese course at the Nihongo Center of the University of Tokyo and. I started using Japanese in the lab and in daily life, little by little, and I found that it made things easier. The next and most important thing was to pass the entrance exam for the master course. It was not easy, given the field I chose to study was different from my background. I studied for months in the lab, in the library and at home, and my effort paid off. Passing the exam, however, was only a start for the following two years of the master course. The topic I chose, which is to study the effects of dietary collagen peptides on the skin at molecular level, was completely new to me but it was exciting at the same time. The professors in my lab and my tutor were willing to help me with everything I asked. I was given opportunities to attend conferences and symposia in many places in Japan. Those were also my chances to discover new places, new cultural features of Japan.

    As for living expenses, I must admit that they were as high in Tokyo as you would expect, but Ajinomoto scholarship provided enough, if not a little more. I did not have to work part-time during the three years I received the scholarship, and I was able to rent a small apartment very close to Hongo campus for convenience. The Ajinomoto Scholarship Foundation also offered some field trips on which we could visit their plants to learn about their activities and visit historical places to learn more about Japanese history.  I made many good friends through these activities.

    I further pursued a doctoral degree at the same lab after completing the master course. The Foundation remained keeping in contact with me and the other scholarship students. I believe the other students will agree that the Ajinomoto ASEAN scholarship played an essential role in what we have achieved now. I hope more students know about this scholarship and take their chance and apply for it.


Aldina Suwantoさん (Indonesia)






   Early Spring, locals and international tourists celebrate Japan’s iconic cherry blossom i.e. sakura. Time flies quite fast, this year was my 5th season of Hanami (a picnic party under the pink blanket of cherry blossom trees with friends, families, or colleagues). I am Indonesian and first came to Japan in 2010 through an undergraduate student exchange program. Afterwards I had the honor of receiving the Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN International Students in 2013 to study master’s degree at the University of Tokyo, locally known as Todai. The cutting-edge research and academic environment at Todai was extremely great. I met diverse friends and many inspiring individuals during my study.

    I am currently working at the Skincare Product Development Division of SHISEIDO, a Japanese cosmetics company. I had always love research and innovation since I was a child, so being able to develop new products is fulfilling for me. Working at a Japanese company is also a new and learning experience for me.

    During free time, I love to travel both abroad and in Japan. The encounter with diverse people and local culture during travelling is always enriching and memorable, so I try to manage my expense and spare budget for travelling. For local travel in Japan, my favorite this year is Kamikochi, a mountainous highland valley within the Japanese Alps in Nagano Prefecture. The water was emerald clear and the ambience is extremely refreshing. I also had a wonderful time in Greece during Obon holiday in summer.

   Besides travelling, I am lately interested in Japanese cuisine or washoku. I sometimes join cooking class-events during weekends. Recently, I joined a class with Chef Hisato Nakahigashi, who owns a two Michelin-star restaurant near Kyoto. The cooking techniques he used, mix of seasonal ingredients, and presentation techniques was really fascinating for me. As washoku has recently been added to the list of World’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, exploring various Japanese cuisines (besides the famous ones like sushi, ramen or takoyaki) is definitely a pleasure.

    From my experience living in Japan, I highly recommend Ajinomoto scholarship students to learn Japanese. Some Japanese people are shy, so don’t forget to smile and have interest in people. I think my Japanese has helped me a lot in making friends and learning deeper about Japan. I would be happy to help Ajinomoto scholarship students in any way Quoting Lao Tzu’s famous proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with single steps", let’s make small changes and actions in life to achieve big things!


Xiao Yin LEEさん (Malaysia)

  なぜ日本に留学したのか?私にとって日本は留学を考える時にいつも第一候補でした。実は当時、私にはオーストラリア留学という選択肢も与えられていたのですが、日本とオーストラリアのどちらを選ぶかは難しい決断ではありませんでした。選考プロセスが他の国より長くかかり、それだけ留学を始める時期が遅くなるとしても、私にとって日本は他の国とは別格なのです。私が日本を留学先に選んだ理由は他にもあります。日本は研究、テクノロジー、教育、文化の分野において、アジアの中でもトップレベルの国だからです。そしてもう一つ、日本が好きな個人的な理由があります。私が生まれた時、両親が「ドンドン(Dong Dong)」というニックネームをつけてくれました。これは「東から、日本から学べ」という意味です。この名前は1980年代にマレーシアと日本の外交関係改善に貢献したマハティール元首相の影響を受けてつけられました。子供の頃の私は見た目も日本人に似ていて、周りの人から「リトル・ジャパニーズ」と呼ばれていました。以来、日本への興味が消えることはありませんでした。そんなことから、24歳になった私に日本留学のチャンスが訪れたとき、ノーという選択肢はありませんでした。選考プロセスとビザの申請には一年近くかかりましたが、その間はSGSで微生物学者として働いていたので結果を待つのも特に問題はありませんでした。すべてがスムーズに進み、ついに東京へのフライトの日が来ました。



  Why I studied abroad in Japan? Japan has always been my first choice as a place to study abroad. However, at that time I had also been offered the option to study in Australia. The decision between these two different countries was not hard to make for me. In my opinion, Japan over classes the other even though the screening process would take longer to start my study here. There are more reasons I can think of why I have chosen Japan as my destination to study abroad. Japan is one of the top countries in Asia for research, technology, education as well as culture. And, there was another personal reason linking me to Japan. When I was born I was given the nick name from my parents "Dong Dong" which meant "leaning from the East, Japan". The name was inspired by the ex-PM Mahathir in improving the diplomatic relationship between Malaysia with Japan during the 80’s. When I grew up as a toddler I also looked like a Japanese kid, and people started naming me "little Japanese". From then on, the curiosity in me for this country has never ended. And then when I turned 24 the chance for me to study in Japan came along and that is why I could not say "No" to this opportunity. The screening process and the visa application process took almost a year. However, the waiting time went smoothly as at the mean time I was working at SGS as a microbiologist. Everything seemed to go smoothly and finally it came to the day I was flying to Tokyo.

  Being a Master student at The University of Tokyo was challenging yet exciting for me. I had classes in different campuses, some requiring hours of traveling to reach. However, the experiences were wonderful.I enjoyed the fact that I was able to study in both historical and modern university buildings. The most challenging part for me would be the language since some of my courses were conducted in Japanese. Therefore I had to make extra effort in learning the language, but I am happy that I managed as it would also help me enjoy the rest of Japan. The best part of my student life was meeting various people from all over the world. We share our stories of our experiences in Japan, became friends and started exploring Japan together. Looking back, my university life experiences were wonderful and priceless time for me.

  I wish I could have had more time to explore other places in Japan since I know that are still many hidden gems. I have enjoyed and learned a lot during my time in Japan, and really want to thank Ajinomoto Foundation for granting me this wonderful experience in my life. The knowledge and training I gained are still beneficial for me in my current life. During those years of living in Japan there were a lot of great things happening in my life. Probably the most important part for me was to meet my husband which I met during our time in Japan. After our marriage a few weeks ago, we have now relocated to Belgium, and I have just started working here in the clinical research team of Ophthalmology at the KU Leuven. Since I and my husband share a lot of memories, we are already planning to revisit this beautiful country in the near future.